5 movies with more romance than ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

50-shadesSo . . . the “Fifty Shades of Grey” movie trailer has been released and this Man Cave Momma has no desire to see it when it hits theaters. Really. It’s just not my idea of a sexy, never mind romantic, kind of movie.

What do you think is more sexy and romantic?

These are my picks:

  1. Up,” from Pixar. Carl and Elli. A love story. I dare you not to cry. Watch on YouTube here.
  2. The Empire Strikes Back,” Han Solo and Leia’s “I love you” scene. Watch on YouTube here.
  3. Alex and Nan’s love story in the miniseries “Roots, the Next Generation.” I can’t find a clip of it, but vividly remember Nan (Debbie Allen) chasing the train that Alex (Damon Evans) is on, as far as she can, as he leaves for war.
  4. Casablanca.” Rick makes Ilsa leave for all the right reasons. Watch on YouTube here.
  5. Romeo and Juliet” made in 1968. The balcony scene. Watch on YouTube here.

What are your favs? Leave a comment.

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  1. Pingback: Shades of Grey movie reviews from the Man… | Honor Dads

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