Dogs or boys, they both make messes and melt your heart

wolf boy (c) Heather Bosch Media I have little boys. My friends have doggies. I’m always amazed at how similar our stories are.

For instance, I came home from work and the house was a mess. There were food wrappers everywhere. Then he looked at me with those big loving eyes … Doggy or boy? Could be either.

“You need a bath!” Applies to both. Often.

Both doggies and boys running in to the house in the fall smell like fresh rain, clean dirt and crispy leaves.

wolf boy (c) Heather Bosch MediaBoth puppies and kids are capable of that I’m-so-happy-to-see-you-look that can make your heart burst as well as the “please don’t leave,” gaze that makes your heart want to break, too.

Case in point: I was heading out of town to cover a story in the mid-west. Had my suit case packed, and sitting by the front door. When I got up to leave, I found someone’s Spiderman-blanket rolled up next to the suitcase. Wait, that someone was still IN the Spiderman-blanket. After I kissed his forehead, my oldest sleepily woke up to tell me he wanted to make sure he said good-bye before my trip, so he waited.  Patiently. Next to my suitcase. I left on my trip with my heart bursting/breaking, knowing that when I returned the house would be a mess. There would be food wrappers everywhere. And I’d get to see those big loving eyes. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This has been an actual conversation in the Man Cave. What’s the Man Cave? Read this.

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